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As I am finishing my last term at DMUIC it is time to reflect on the work I created this term and overall on my time spent at the college. This term I worked with the theme of ‘Ultimate Black’, but I decided to treat the theme completely differently than I did last term. Last term I held really tightly to the theme and made sure everything was strictly connected to the theme. This term I decided to use my imagination more and treat the theme as a jumping point. I decided to get inspired by the theme but give myself space for my own ideas and inspirations. I think that was a brave thing to do because I could have gone to far with my own interpretations or make a project that would be once again tied very tightly to the color which I did not want to do. For my project this term I have made 4 posters, an animation and a 3D model in a software. I think this is a lot of elements to complete in just 10 weeks, so one thing I am really proud of is the fact that I have managed to complete the p

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