Blog catch up - class task

 Today in class we filled in a table to make sure we are on the right track with our blogs before the submission next week. It is important that my blog really shows my work process and reflects and what I am learning and creating. It is why I make sure I record here every single part of the project. I also like to put on this blog a lot of research so my work is supported by information I found online or learned from observing other artists' work process. I generally think my blog is looking quite good and there is a lot of informative posts that can help to understand what I am working on and what skills I am developing. 

Here is the table that I have completed:

As visible in the chart, I have completed almost all of what is required of me. I am missing a post on the 3D model research, but I will upload it shortly. The rest is pretty much completed which is really good. The project itself is not 100% finished yet because I am still working on the 3D model, but I am on the right track to finish it on time. 


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