Final Project: SMART Objective

 I have already went through the SMART objective for my final project in the Ideas Generation post, however I know it was made very briefly and I wanted to make it more clear. 

Smart Goals Image

S - Specific

What do I want to create? 

I will create a 1-3 minute storytelling animation about the issues that dogs whose breeds, that are considered as aggressive, are facing.  I will use the free software called OpenToonz. 

I want to research Dermot O'Connor, because I think I can learn a lot from this animator. I think his drawings are in the direction I am trying to go to with my art. 

M - Measurable

How will I know that I achieved it? 

The project will be done when I have a finished animation exported from the animation software. 


Is it in my power to accomplish it?

I will have to do a lot of exploring of the OpenToonz software. I am still not sure whether I will want to do the animation digitally or draw it frame by frame. Drawing frame by frame is more time consuming, but I am not sure if I will be able to explore the software well enough to learn how to do it digitally (by creating the skeleton of the characters). I do think it is in my power to achieve it. 


Can I realistically achieve it?

I think it is realistic for me to achieve my goals before the deadline, because I know I have good work ethics and I will work hard on the project to make sure it is finished. 


When exactly do I want to accomplish it?

The project's deadline in 9th of December. 


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