Website: applying feedback

 As I have mentioned in my previous post about my website, I decided to send it to some of my friends to receive feedback from them and to see what I can improve on. Generally the feedback I got was very positive, but there were a few things I wanted to change and a few things my friends told me to correct. I think getting feedback from classmates is great because they can show me things I may have not noticed when creating my website or for example something appears differently on their device than it does on mine so I need to make changes to make sure my website works great on any devices. 

Firstly I wanted to update my about page because I wanted to make it more specific. Throughout the terms I have changed a lot and I have also changed how I see myself as an artist so it was important to me that the about me page speaks for my values and things I am truly interested in. 

To develop my about page I needed to get rid of most of the information I have written down and write it again. I wanted it to definitely represent who I am. Apart from that I have gotten a comment from my tutor that I may want to rethink whether I want to have the top bar menu pinned to the page. However, I have actually thought this one through and I think that this is how it is supposed to be because wherever a user is on the page, the menu is always there so this actually makes the navigation easier and more intuitive. There is never a situation that a person gets lost on my website. In my opinion the navigation element is very important and this is why I choose to keep the menu how it is. 

When checking the mobile view I have actually found many bugs that I had to take care of. 

For example this white strip between my second term project and my new project. This is the sort of thing I needed to delete so the website looks professional also on the mobile phone. I also noticed that the very short introduction I keep on the desktop view does not look to good on the mobile view, so I decided to hide it. Hiding it is not deleting it - it will still appear in the desktop view. I just thought that it was not looking good on the mobile version. 

When proof reading all of the text I have also found a spelling mistake (ithem instead of them) which I must have made by an accident and I noticed that I forgot to put a full stop at the end of the sentence. These are those little errors that would make my website look highly unprofessional so it is really important all the writing is correct. This is why people should proof read everything. It is normal to have spelling mistakes or punctuation mistakes, but finding them is extremely important because I do not want someone to look at my website and click out of it because it is not written professionally. 

The thing that my classmate found on my website is that sometimes the page is not long enough on the mobile view. 

As seen on the image above, the page is not long enough because the button is cut. This type of buttons I am using have a very specific shadow in front of them and if in some places it is not visible, it means there is a little error in the planning of the website. I have actually had this mistake in a few of the pages, so I am very glad my friend was able to see it and met me know to change it because it does not look too well. 

I made sure to apply all of the changes I thought were needed after examining the website myself as well and I am very proud of what I have created. From what I have seen, the work is displayed the best it can be and the website is easy to navigate. I wanted the website to be intuitive because whenever a website is confusing I immediately click out of it. I do not want people to do the same with my website so I wanted to make it all clear and neat. I am happy with what I have created. 


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