3D modeling part 8

 The last part was rendering the model from all 4 views: front, back and two sides. I have already rendered the front view in my previous post, but I was still left with 3 more views and I was also thinking of presenting the work all together through a gif or a video. I have tried to make a video and I will explain what went wrong in that process and why I decided to create a gif. 

Rendering all of the other views sounds easy because I just needed to rotate the character along the Z axis and take a picture, this however, was not so simple. The character is made out of many separate shapes that are not connected with each other. It would be impossible for me to rotate the entire thing at once, I would have to rotate each shape separately and then make sure they are aligned correctly. This would take way too much time, therefore I decided to move the walls and the camera, but the character leave in one place. 

This is how I approached the back shot. I needed to slightly move the light source because if I kept it how it was, it would be outside the box and that means, the character would not get any light and be entirely dark. 

On the screenshot above I show how I move the 'walls' before moving the camera. It is important to try to keep the camera in the similar setting to what it was, so later the shots aren't too different one from another. Because of that I was not just simply grabbing the camera but moving it across the axises and rotating it only on the Z axis. I was also comparing the shots to the ones taken before to make sure they are similar in the positioning of the character. 

When I had all the 4 shots, I tried to make the video and for that I would turn off the axises and the camera and I wanted to do a screen recording of me just rotating around the character. I needed to create another wall to close the box to be able to record around the character in one shot. I created the closed box, but the problem that I have encountered was to smoothly record around it. Here are two videos I tried to shoot. This shows where was the problem:

I knew this needed a lot more time than I expected, to make it smooth and perfect. I do still have a few days before the deadline, however I still need to put some work into my website and into displaying my work on my website. In normal circumstances I probably would be able to complete this as well, however, as I will explain deeper in my reflection this term, I have encountered a medical injury that slowed down my work process for the last few days before the deadline and right now I cannot make myself work too much, so I decided to go with a GIF. 

I have already made GIFs in the last term, so I already knew websites that are good to use when making them. I have used the website ezgif.com that I have also used last term and in that website I have combined my images to make a GIF that would present the character from all of the sides. 

I think the GIF looks pretty good and I will also publish on my website all of the images separately, so the viewer can also look closer into them. 

I am really happy with what I have created and even though I was not able to make a video, I still think I found a solution to the problem, so I am proud of myself. 


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