Developing ideas: The meditative method

Today during class time we were developing our ideas more. There were 3 methods of idea development that we touched on and we all needed to pick one. 

I chose the meditative method. The method is based on a short meditation where the center of attention is the project. After doing the 5 minute meditation I had to write and draw everything that came to my mind. There were a few new ideas that I have not considered earlier and I wrote it all down in this drawing below. 

 My mind was mostly around the small boy who will become my main character and the grandma. I was thinking about how the family would generally look. I figured that the grandma needs to have her edges very round, therefore the focus is on her wisdom. This is why I think she should have her hair in a bun. 

A new idea that came to me is having a dinosaur as a pet. I know children tend to be fascinated by dinosaurs, therefore I think creating a dinosaur would be something that would interest my target audience. I thought about the society I am creating and the concept in general and I think it would be interesting if this all was happening on a different planet where dinosaurs never went extinct. 
This brings me to a book that could be a great inspiration for me, this book is called "Little Prince" and it is written and illustrated by a French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. 
"The Little Prince" is a philosophical novel for children. It is beautifully illustrated and there are many planets created in this book. I think it is a great inspiration to think about the concept of my cartoon. The approach the author had to creating planets is very interesting because those planets would not make a lot of sense to an adult, but for children they are not very difficult to imagine. I need to keep that in mind. Children tend to have great imagination and something that does not make a lot of sense for an adult, may make sense to a child. 


  1. Le Petit Prince is an interesting research element that would be better served by you posting about this on its own and examining the influence it had on other illustrators/animators in terms of the visual influence and the narrative. This way you could draw in a whole other collection of research elements that may help to develop the look and concept of your characters.


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