Art Portfolio Project: Initial Research

 In this post I will look at artists, designers, concepts and more that I will want to research throughout creating this project. As stated in the previous post, I want to research artists who worked with the similar target audience, to see exactly what direction they tend to go into. 

My first artist is Carl Greenblatt. Greenblatt was not only a storyboard artist for Spongebob Squarepants, but also he created the cartoon "Chowder", that I have mentioned earlier this term. 

As visible above, Greenblatt created this magical world and this is on of my goals. I want to see what else did this artist work on and what do those works have in common to establish what it is about them that keep children in front of the TVs. Personally, I remember exactly when I was little and I would watch Chowder a lot and I found it funny. 

Another artist that I think is worth looking at is Ben Bocquelet who is the creator of "The Amazing World of Gumball". This particular show got a lot of attention from young audience, but I do not really understand its phenomenon. I think it will be very interesting to dig deeper in the show and see the artist's other works as well. 

The characters look very flat in my opinion. For me, they are definitely less interesting than for example "Chowder" characters. However, "The Amazing World of Gumball" is one of the most liked shows by children. I want to explore what makes it so interesting. Is it the concept or the setting or the way the characters speak. I think it will be useful to know for when I am developing my own concept. 

Other than these two artists, I want to research and get even more inspired by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - the writer and illustrator of "The Little Prince". I think this particular book is a great inspiration for creating a world for children, because that is done perfectly in the book. 
I have talked about this book more in the previous post. I think it generally is done with such a creative approach and is perfectly targeted for children. 

What I think ties the two shows and the book above is the fact that none of the things happening in them are realistic, but somehow it all makes sense to a child. I think that is important to keep in mind. Adults often need to have everything make a lot of sense for them to appreciate, children use their imagination more, therefore they prefer for the shows they watch to be funny and often ridiculous. 

Another thing I really need to research is 3D modeling. I have very little experience in this area, therefore it will be good to watch some tutorials online maybe. I have done some work in a 3D software and I generally understand how it all works but I have never created a character in 3D. It definitely will be a challenge, but I think it is important to set challenges. I want to obtain new skills that will be helpful for me in the future. I want to go into character animation, mostly in 3D, therefore knowing 3D modeling software is key in this case. 

I am also planning to research the charts of most popular cartoons and most popular cartoon characters to define what all those have in common and what I can do to reach that level of creating characters and a concept for a cartoon. 

Important part of my research is also of course the color purple. I cannot forget that my theme is Purple Haze, because I should not drift too far away from this. I want to research this color in different religions, cultures, literature and marketing. I think knowing what emotions this color carries and what it means will help me to create the right visuals of my characters for my final project.


  1. It is important to examine the colour purple and post about that - you have already mentioned that it has specific connotations in a variety of cultures and suggests different emotions to different people. Develop that idea and what it means for your character designs.


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