Final project: Storyboarding part 2

Today I continued the storyboarding process. I started storyboarding by creating Post-It notes with key information about different scenes and sticking it to my window. I have posted about that process here.  Next step in the storyboarding is creating the actual storyboard. In the past week I have researched Stephanie Alexander, who works as a storyboard revisionist and I have looked at her storyboards and a beat board, to familiarize myself with the concept of creating a finished storyboard, to access that blog post, click here

Creating images for the storyboard requires a lot of thought. I need to make sure what angles I want which scene at and what kind of shot I want to create. All of that detail depends on a what atmosphere I want to create, what motion or object should get the main focus and what exactly I want to portray. This is where my Post-It notes were very helpful, because I have written main information on them, therefore I had some of the work, out of the way. 

I have started creating the images for the board on my IPad in an app called Procreate. I used my character sketches that I have both, on my IPad and on paper. For sketching I used a brush called Crayon Narinder. It is my favorite brush to sketch with, because it is really responsive, depending on how hard I touch the screen or how I use the Apple Pencil. 

I have created a rectangle representing my screen and duplicated it 25 times, because I decided to make 25 images on my storyboard. After that, I have just started sketching the scenes. Underneath each picture I have added a comment specifying is it a long shot, medium shot, close up or extreme close up. I have also added information, what exactly is happening in the image. 

These are the 25 images I have created for my storyboard. I have added them as 25 separate pictures, so it is possible to read my commentary underneath each picture. I have put them together as an actual board as well. For that I have used a software called PicsArt. At first I just wanted to create a collage, however this software cannot create a collage out of 25 images. To overcome that obstacle, I have created 5 collages out of 5 images and exported them individually and then created one final collage out of the 5 collages I have already exported. I think it was a very clever method to solve this problem and it worked exactly as I planned. 
This is my finished storyboard:

I am very pleased with how the development turned out. I think I thought through each and every image and it really works well on a storyboard. I think the storyboard is clear and it is possible to explain the storyline just by looking at the board and that is always the goal. The next step for me is creating a beat board and after that I am going to focus on drawing the actual frames of my animation. I am aware this will be a very time-consuming part, however I think I am definitely moving forward with this project and I am going the right direction. 


  1. Very impressive, you have written the right technical terms on each frame and you have explained clearly what the shot should be, great little drawings that exemplify your aims - very well done here.


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