Final project: Storyboarding part 1

Today in class we were working on developing our projects. I  still need to storyboard my idea, therefore I thought it would be a good thing to do during our session today. I know there are softwares I could use for storyboarding, however I decided to work classically on a piece of paper. 

The first step I decided to take, was to write all the scenes I will need to storyboard, on Post-It notes. I decided to use two types of Post-It, one for indicating what is happening in the scene and also telling what kind of shot that is and what is the concentration on and one is for adding additional information if needed. For example, if there is text appearing in the frame or if there are two motions happening at the same time. 

I started writing out the scenes with an ink pen and sticking them onto my window. I think having this kind of notes on glass works really nicely, because they are in a visible place and always handy to work on. Since my window is in front of my desk, there will be many situations, where I will be just looking at the notes, visualizing my animation. In my opinion it is a great method to incorporate the element of creating into everyday's life. 

I wrote down all the important information on the notes and sticked them. Here are a few pictures, portraying how I decided to do it. I am aware that the background of the pictures is disturbing, however in real life, it is not an obstacle. 

I am very happy with my development, because I think it will help me in the continuing the development of my project. I am going to create a blog post called Storyboarding part 2 when I am going to create an actual storyboard with images. 


  1. This is very good development as it shows your working process in action - good work


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