Posters: applying feedback

 Today during a meeting with my tutor, I have gotten some feedback about my posters and I really decided to think more about what has been said. My tutor advised me to think about the text I put on the posters and try to direct the text even more at my target audience, which would be the parents. We have discussed how a trigger word for parents is 'time'. 

I decided to look whether adults were really that conscious about how much time they spend with their children and the moment I put that in google, I got multiple articles about how this is something parents worry about and they feel guilty about. Sometimes, I am sure that it is unreasonable but also I found some scary data. 43% of families find it difficult to sit down and have a meal together and 8 in 10 parents are aware that they don't spend enough time with their children (White, n.d.). I think the fact that families are aware of the problem and choose not to do much about it is the scariest part. I understand struggling to find time, but I think that a family should be able to eat at least one meal together and be able to have a conversation. Seeing this data and knowing that 8 in 10 parents are aware that they don't spend enough time with their families, I see how bringing up the problem of not having time could be triggering for them and make them feel targeted. I also see how this could possibly make them feel uncomfortable, but a campaign like this should make them feel something. If a person can relate to a campaign or feel attacked by it, it means it left impression and that makes the person memorize it and think about it later. I think incorporating time in the text would cause parents to react or at least think about it. 

I talked to my tutor how I could possibly change the text and this is what I have changed.

With these two posters, I have slightly changed the text. With the poster where the character is writing with the chalk, my tutor told me that it is a little bit unclear and maybe I should somehow show more that it is a brick wall and create environment for the character to exist in. I have made some changes, changed the text, added a few bricks and added a swing in a background. I think now the poster is a bit more clear. 
The forth poster, I have left how it was. 

I think the changes I made in the posters have really enriched my project and it became more interesting and by mentioning time, I think I am targeting it even better at the demographic group I have chosen to be the target. I really like what I have made. I think they look really nicely. 

Reference list:

White, S. (n.d.) 'PARENTS DON’T SPEND ENOUGH QUALITY TIME WITH THEIR KIDS', FQMagazine. Available at: (Accessed: 24/05/2021).


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