Animation: adding text

 I have discussed the possibility of there being text in my animation somewhere on the screen. At first I had in mind those yellow subtitles that appear in movies. I discussed it with my tutor and we both agreed that adding a handwriting notes would connect the animation to the posters even more and I really like the idea of creating that slight connection. 

I did not want to create a note on every scene, because then the viewer would only be reading and not actually watching the movie. I decided to place only 4 notes that would explain a storyline very briefly for the viewer. I created those notes in OpenToonz and added them sort of like a layer to my frames. I put it as a layer on top of of the already existing layers with some text that I wrote by hand. 

I tried to add the notes in the places on screen where they would not cover too much of the drawings I worked hard on. I really like the fact that they are strictly connected with the posters because I wanted the posters and the animation to have connections, but I did not want to create posters that just look like advertisement posters for my animation. I wanted a full campaign. As I have mentioned in my post on Samaritans posters, I liked that there were videos to go with each poster. I do not have a video for each poster, but there is a video summing up all of them and I think that is a great connection. 

Here is the animation with the notes I have added. I think it looks really good and I made sure they are on the screen for a good amount of time. I think it is possible to read all of them, so that's good. 
Now for the 2D work I only need to add sounds and music and create credits at the end. I think I am on the right track to completing it on time. 


  1. Text is legible, which is one thing I was a bit worried about. I think there could be a bit more during the looping phase of the video to emphasise how she is feeling. For example, you say the evenings got sadder. In the frames after that when she is at home, maybe more text describing the repetitive nature of her feelings until she feels compelled to text her mother.

    Something like 'Each evening was the same.....' 'It was exhausting....' 'She realised she couldn't figure this out on her own anymore....' or something along those lines.


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