Animating scenes 9-13

In this blog post I will once again really quickly explain my animating process. I am not creating a separate post for every scene because it would become dull and would take a lot of my time which I prefer to use by doing the actual project. Scenes  from 9 to 13 are all happening at night, therefore I needed to use darker colors of each of the shades, so it is believable that it actually is happening in the dark. 

Scene 9 was supposed to be an extreme close-up to the character's face that was showing that the character was crying. 

I decided to use onion skin to be able to draw the tears quite smoothly. Onion skin helps me see the previous and the next frame in the animation. In the picture above, the onion skin is in red. Also on the right-hand side there is a red dot above the frame I was on. This shows that I have the onion skin for the previous frame. I like how this scene turned out. It looks smooth and I really like the color I chose for the tears. The teal really works well with the color palette in this particular shot. I am very happy with it. 

Scene ten was a scene with a shot I have never done before. It is from a bird's eye and upside down shot at the character crying on her bed. The character is crying like a child, by that I mean I decided to create a movement of her hands where her fists are wiping her eyes. It is very cartoony, but the exaggeration is good. 
Drawing upside down is a little complicated because I had to imagine the how the scene would look like and then turn it around in my hear to draw it properly. I struggled with it at first, but I managed to create something I would be proud of. I decided to loop the action of the character wiping her eyes, so it is on screen for longer and that was needed, so the viewer would be able to observe it and understand what is going on. 

The next scene was the character scrolling instagram. This scene was very time consuming because I needed to create a few random images on the character's phone and create the actual motion of scrolling. 
Firstly, I have copied the image of the phone from the very first scene. I have done that to make sure it is exactly the same phone and the proportions are all the same. Sadly, when I was doing the first scene I did not think to put the phone on a different layer than the background and now I had to erase the light blue background from the shot. After doing that, I started to create some instagram posts for the character to scroll through. 
I would create a movement by creating a picture and then in the next frames, I would select it and put it up a little bit and I would draw the bottom of the next picture. I decided to do around four pictures in this way. It took me a lot of time, because I constantly needed to erase the top part and create a drawing on the bottom. On the next layer I have added the hand with the finger doing the motion of scrolling down. I did it all on separate layers not to get lost or confused with how many different moving elements I had. I think I succeeded in creating an over the shoulder shot.

Scene 12 was very similar to scene 8 because it is in the exact same set-up. However, the character is sitting on the desk instead of the chair and is reading something. I decided to approach this scene by copying the set-up from scene 8 and just placing the character in a different place and of course adding a clock on the wall to represent the passing time. I have also made the character cry in this scene to make it more interesting and to show the pressure she is under even more. 

The last scene I did this time was a very simple scene. It was the scene of the sun rising. 
The only thing I had to keep in mind is that the sky changes color when the sun is rising, so I started with the sky being very dark and I ended with it being normal color. The jumps from one color to another are very quick and I wish I could do it more smoothly. I am going to leave it as it is for now, and if I have some more time when the project is done, I will then fix that. 

Here is all I have so far combined: 
I think I am doing a great job and I am really proud with what the project is becoming. I really like how it is presenting. I know background music will add a lot to it therefore I am excited for that. 


  1. Daria, I'm beginning to think that spoken word (instead of or alongside the music) might work better. We can talk about this in the tutorial tomorrow.


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