Animating scenes 16-25

 The process of animating the second half of my animation was generally easy because it was simply just copying the same scenes I have already animated to show the process of the routine. On my storyboard I created only 25 scenes, but when 24 were ready I thought that the routine and repetition was not visible enough therefore I have added a few extra scenes to quickly show the day and night. I have also made some of the scenes shorter to make it as if it was sped up - like I have mentioned in my storyboard post. I really thought through the animation and I personally think it came out great. 

The only 'new' scene was the very last scene - scene 25. It is the scene where the character is texting her mom to tell her that she needs help. For that I have used a shot of the phone I have created at the very early stage of my animation and I have to writing tool in OpenToonz. 

I couldn't simply change the background of the drawing, because at the beginning of my animating process I was not using enough layers. I was not sure how to use them then. Now I have definitely improved and I know how to use them. Now each scene has a lot of layers, sometimes even up to 6. When looking back at my first scenes, they did not have so many. I see I learned how to use them to speed up my working process. Because the background was connected to the phone drawing, if I simply changed it, it would be changed in every frame with this image, because those frames were just copied and pasted. To be able to change the background only in this place in the animation, I needed to duplicate all the frames and delete the real ones. I needed to make changes on the duplicated frames. I needed to think that action through so I would not destroy something I have worked hard on. 
When working on layers, I really need to keep in mind what is above what on my animation. When I noticed that the letters were above the fingers I had two options. I could have gone to the letters layer and erased them or I could have created another layer to cover the letters with the skin color. I decided to cover the letters with the skin color because I did not have to worry about any other frames. If I decided to erase parts of the letters, I would need to think what to do when they are back to being visible. I chose the easier method because it seemed more effective to me. 

After this scene was done, my animation just needed music in the background. I decided to add the music in IMovie, because I am familiar with that program. 



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