Animating scenes 14 & 15

 In this blog post I will show my process in animating scenes 14 and 15. With all the scenes past scene 13 I am sort of using something I have already drew for this particular animation and just changing if. 

Scene 14 took me a lot of time, because it was the character putting on her mascara. I used the shot I have already drew, with the window, but I needed to animate the character putting on her make up. This was something I have not done before so I really need to think what movement a person does when they are putting on make up. 

I drew the wand for and started animating the movement up and down. After a few ups and downs I have added the lashes, but I thought that this scene was a little too short because me, as a viewer, did not have the chance to really understand what is going on. I decided to also do her second eye, but I needed the transition between the eyes to be smooth, not to create a cut jump. I decided to make the whole movement of the arm going to the other side of the face, but it seemed easier to me to make as if the character put her hand down and then raised it again. This is the route I chose, but it did become a little tricky because I needed to think about the movement of the shoulder and the arm so it looks good in the mirror. This was a time consuming process, but I am happy with it. I decided not to change the character's face expression because I think her looking exactly the same makes it seem like a routine more and makes it more monothematic, which I wanted to achieve because I wanted to show how similar every day was for the character. I think I did a good job with this scene. 

Scene 15 is once again scene of the character scrolling through instagram. I have mentioned before that to create content relatable for a teenager it needs to have an accent with social media. I have used a shot I have already created before, but I needed to create some posts my character could scroll through. 
Previously, I have explained this process pretty in depth, therefore I don't think I need to explain it again because I did the exact same thing. In the screenshot above it is visible how I was selecting the 'posts' and moving them up to create the motion of scrolling. I think I did a decent job with it because it indeed looks like scrolling. I had to work a little bit on the hand movement and when it was done I think it looks believable. I also started to really benefit from using layers and I learned to use them more often to make my working process quicker and easier. I am happy I am developing new skills, it is a good thing. 

Generally these were my last shots I needed to really create (apart from the very last scene) because all the other scenes are just exactly the same as some of the ones I have already animated. I have mentioned before that I wanted my animation to be repetitive so it would represent routine and I think that by doubling scenes I will create that repetitiveness I am looking for. 


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