Project development - class exercise: sketches

 Today in class we did another project development exercise and this time it was connecting our designs and work to the real world. Since this week I am working on developing my character, I decided to once again try sketching out the character in different ways to maybe try to draw something fresh in a style completely new to me. 

I was thinking how my drawings of the characters are connected to the message I want to give and the connection is actually something my tutor proposed to me in one of the comments. He mentioned that it may be a good idea to present the night with very rough sketches with the characters drawn roughly to represent the state of mind and then the day would be clean and pretty to show that the demons come at night. I think that is truly a brilliant idea. For the sketches exercise I decided to do some further sketches to explore different versions of my character. 

These are the sketches I did during class and as a part of my self study. I have also completed a digital sketch and here it is:
I will work some more on the design but so far I really like what I have created. 


  1. When I work with pencil, I sometimes get a bit lost using the line if my choice of pencil is too dark or too light. With these drawings, I am seeing you go through a similar process. Although these are just sketches as part of your development, it is important to remember that these drawings could give you the opportunity to consider where you place EMPHASIS on different parts of your characters features. A breakthrough for me was using a variety of softness of pencils or using a biro for under drawing and fine line pens for the details and to add emphasis. Trying out different techniques and materials might give you a better understanding of your characters features when working digitally.


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