Primary research: plan

In this post I will explain the idea for my primary research for this project. I am planning on creating a questionnaire about mental health awareness to understand the problem better. 

I have came up with a few questions that would be valuable for my project, here are the questions:

  • Age / Gender [demographic questions, to establish what age groups / genders have what opinion] 
  • Have you ever experienced any sort of mental health problems? 
  • To what extent do you agree with the statement: My mental health problems are more visible to me at night than during the day. 
  • To what extent do you agree with the statement: I can ask for professional help without the fear of being judged by others. 
  • Do you think mental health is still a taboo topic?
  • If you said yes, you think campaigns can help to change that? 
  • Do you think raising awareness of mental health is important? If so, why?
I think these questions could be very helpful because it would make me see the problem through other people's eyes. 

I decided to do the questionnaire on google forms because it is simple to use and it lets me collect data quickly. 

I have also tried to make the form look pleasant, so people want to respond to my questions even more. 


  1. Good, looking forward to seeing your results. These questions look well directed, but importantly focused on your potential target market.


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