Considering my work in the real world

 In this post I will explain how the work I am doing this term can exist and inspire the real world. 

What influence could your project have in the real world?

The idea for my project it to create a campaign that raises awareness of mental health, therefore I think the influence here is quite clear. I want people to understand that everyone can struggle with their mental health, no matter how great their life looks like. I generally believe that a teenager who would see my animation could possibly get the feeling that they are not alone and it is okay to ask for help. 

Will your project show a point of view or show something that might make people think differently?

I think the project is not showing a different point of view but I am trying to break a stigma. To make people realize that some subjects should not be taboo. I want people to see mental health as an actually existing issue, not some problems made up for attention. The main goal somewhere up there is for people not to see it as physical health and mental health but health in general, however that is somewhere very far down the road of the journey of breaking the stigma. Right now the goal is for people to see problems and act on them. 

How else does your work have influence?

Well, as I mentioned there are many ways the work can influence other people: 

1. It can make people think about mental health in general and accept the existence of it. 

I know it does sound ridiculous, but there are places and people that do not believe that mental health is even a thing. It is why raising awareness of a problem like that is critical when breaking the stigma. 

2. It can help people understand that they are not alone. 

People who struggle with mental health problems often feel very lonely in their thoughts because it seems like no one else struggle with mental health. It is because it is still a taboo subject and no one talks about it. If people had more chances to mention it, even in daily conversations with friends and family, people would not feel as ashamed or scared to admit their problems. 

3. It can possibly encourage people to get help. 

I want to show how important it is for a person to get help from a professional if they need it. Sadly we still live in a world where it is not considered 'normal' to get therapy or visit a psychologist. I want people to see it differently. I want people to realize that everyone should be able to get help. 

Why is it important?

This message is important because many teenagers (and not only) are struggling everyday. The stigma around mental health and the fact that it is a taboo subject, causes people not to talk about it and then people are left alone with their problems. That often ends in self harm or even suicide, which is scary and real. This is why it needs to be talked about. 

For an artist example I decided to look at a graphic designer from India - Danish Shakih, who created a design that really stood out to me.

The title of the image is 'Sab Theek Hain' which translates from Hindi to English as 'all is well'. Which is a way to respond to a question 'how are you'. The design mentions the problem of people hiding their sadness, especially on Social Media, where everyone is looking. Everyone pretends to have a perfect, successful life. "We smile on our phone and on the internet, while crying alone in our bed at night, sad and depressed. (Shakih, 2017)." This quote sums up what I think is the reality of many many people but they feel ashamed to talk about it, and that brings us back to the problem of the taboo and the stigma around it. I really like this design because it shows the truth really. 

Reference List:
Shakih, D. (2017), 'Sab Theek Hain' [Instagram], 26 October. Available at:


  1. Well directed post - you make really good points in the last paragraph about how we sometimes disguise or hide how we really feel. Looking forward to seeing how this affects your project overall.


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