Creating the final gif - pet dinosaur

In this post I will explain the process of creating my last GIF and this is the GIF of the pet animal named Unico. I will not get too much in depth about the process because it is pretty much following the steps of all the 5 previous GIFs. I  thought about the movement for the dinosaur and almost immediately I thought of creating just the movement of the arms because I think the arms are an inseparable element of a dinosaur. I thought about creating a move of the arms together and then right after that, a quick move of one arm and then the other. I visualized that in my head and I think that is the most important think when creating. When I had all of that already in my head, I could have start working on bringing the idea to life. 

I started drawing the arms in different positions and it quickly became very messy. All the shades of previous frames were causing a lot of confusion for me, so it took me some time to figure out how exactly the next frame should look like, because it was difficult to see what the previous frame was like since all of them were pretty much blended together. With the right arm I have also encountered some of the problems I have mentioned in my previous post, caused by the background being a body part. Luckily in this case, the belly is not very dynamic and full of color. It is rather plain and this helped me get through this task. What I also needed to keep in mind, was not to stretch the arms too far because they are body parts that have a given volume and I cannot just change the volume. I can stretch them, but the volume needs to stay exactly the same. 
Every once in a while I needed to close some of the layers to get a better view on what I was working on and what I needed to draw next. Sometimes I would still see mistakes when I would play the GIF. I am glad the 'PLAY' button was easy to access for me because viewing the animation was the best way for me to detect any mistakes. When a mistake was noticed by me, it was easy to go back and quickly change whatever I did not like. I like the software I was working it, it really made it all quite easy to understand. I highly enjoyed that. 

Even though I was creating a very simple movement, I still exceeded 26 frames and I needed to create a separate document to finish my work in. As seen in the picture above, I would have the documents side by side and I would copy a frame from the already full document and paste it in the second document. I used a lot of the copy and paste option, therefore I am really glad it is there, because I would be completely lost without it. 

Here is my finished piece:


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