Creating the final gif - Grandma

 In this post I am going to explain my work process of creating a GIF for the grandma. This time I decided not to incorporate the whole body because with the grandma I wanted to focus on her head. She is the head of the family and she is also the wise character. I have created little very rough sketches of what I imagined the gif to be, and these are the sketches: 
I thought about doing a little movement of a book going up and down and her eyes going from left to right as if she was reading the book. To create this GIF I needed to think about how the character would look from the front and how do I want the eyes to move. This was the main thing of the GIF. I decided to also try using the options that allows me to hold frames for a little longer. 
I started by drawing out the face from the front. It was not very easy because the only image I have created before was the character standing sideways. I looked at the main image as a reference for my creation, but it was really only a reference. 

What I thought was the biggest challenge of creating this face, was the nose, because the nose is quite long, but it is not visible when looking from the front. I needed to create an illusion that the nose is long and I am not sure if I have succeeded completely, but I am happy with what I have created. The face looks friendly and old, so it is a good representation. I decided to give my character a smile because she will be reading a book and that is her passion. I have also used the Rough Skin brush to tone the skin and the Tache smudging brush to blend the toning in. I used the eraser to erase any shades on the black outlines. 
I started adding frames by simply placing the book higher and higher. It was a time consuming work, but it was not too difficult. I decided to make the book green and blue to indicate that the book is about Earth. As visible in the picture above, I have used the select tool to move the book higher, so I needed to use the eraser to clean up the edges. 
I tired to use an option called 'hold duration'. This is the option I have not used before. It created a few new frames that would look exactly the same as the one I am holding the duration of and they would appear in grey on the timeline, so it is easier for me to see where I have the action held for a little while. I think this tool is very useful, because it saves the problem of copying and pasting the exact same frame and possibly getting confused in all them. 
When I reached the 26 frames, I needed to copy the last frame and paste it onto a new document. The action of opening the copy & paste bar is swiping three fingers down. The copy and paste bar looks like what is presented in the picture above. I just simply copied the frame and pasted it onto a new document and finished the GIF in a separate document. 

This time I decided not to worry about the GIF merging softwares because all they've done is let me down. I decided to start by exporting it as an MP4 file and then merging the videos together and then converting the merged MP4 to a GIF format. This is a lot quicker and simpler method than trying to merge GIFs. 
Here is the finished GIF for the grandma - Filosofia. 

I am very satisfied with the eye movement and generally with the smoothness of the GIF. I think it looks good. 


  1. Having looked at your Portfolio on your website, I have a few comments. Firstly the navigation bar at the top of your page follows the scrolling down which means it obscures some of your text and images. Secondly, in your introduction to your project you need to talk about the processes you used this term and the skills you learnt, alongside what your theme was - make this introduction more explanatory.


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