
 In class we looked at storyboarding. Storyboarding is something extremely important in my progression route - animation. Whenever someone is creating an animation or a movie, they need to complete a storyboard. In all animation studios there are storyboard artists and storyboard revisionists. For me, being able to create a storyboard is very important. Last term I have researched Stephanie Alexander, who works as a storyboard revisionist. I was looking at her work to help myself create a storyboard for my major project last term. Click here to access that blog post. 

This term I am not creating a storytelling animation, therefore creating a storyboard for this project was a little bit more complicated. I thought about my project and what came to my mind was the fact that I am making it for a cartoon and something that all cartoons have in common is a theme song and some sort of animation during the theme song that stays the same in every episode. I thought this was a good idea to make a storyboard for the theme song, I think in that moment I can present all my characters and what is so special about them. 

Here is an example of a theme song already existing: 

Those theme songs are of different lengths and this particular one is a pretty long one, but it shows an idea of kind of presenting the character. I decided to create a storyboard that would sort of present all of my characters and their environment. 

When I was thinking about how to start it, I decided to show that it is a different planet, so I would start with an extreme long shot, showing the Earth and a very small purple planet and the camera would be zooming towards the planet until it zooms on a boy looking up holding his magnifying glass - my main character. I think that would be a very smooth transition. From then on I just have simple character movements for each of the characters, to present what they are doing and who they are. This theme song ends with a zoom out and showing the castle to show where they live. I personally think that it is a good idea. 

For my storyboard, I have used Procreate app, and I decided to use different brushes than normal to kind of experiment with this. I never use the brushes that look like actual paint brushes, but I wanted to see how it is to work with those to do some sort of experimentation. This is the storyboard I have completed: 

I think this storyboard looks really fun and interesting to look at. I can see a theme song of a cartoon looking like this and I am very happy with what I have created. I think it was a good practice of storyboarding, which is very important in animation. 


  1. Perhaps to support your portfolio you could showcase your skills with storyboarding and demonstrate the opening titles to your animation as a digital storyboard that introduces the characters. So your portfolio could include a storyboard, your character designs (with colour palette, names, roles in the animation etc) and maybe short animated gifs (or similar) that demonstrate specific character movements. I think it would be important to have a 'logo' or branding for your animation (in the same way as Family Gur or American Dad - I told you my frame of reference was small).


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