Presentation Feedback and Improving Work

This week in class we were presenting our work in front of our classmates and our classmates were responsible for filling in a feedback form for us, so we know what we still have to work on and what looks good. I presented my work in front of 5 students and got 4 feedback forms back which is pretty good. 

Did everyone understand what was your project about? 

From the feedback I have received I see that everyone understood exactly what I am planning on creating, which is good. This means that my project aims are clear and straightforward and it also shows that I presented it well in front of my peers. 

Did your peers think you had good initial ideas and research? 

My classmates liked that I created a few sketches for each character and chose the one character that works best. Also I got some feedback from people that they think my research of the color purple was very impressive which makes me very happy because I spent a lot of time on that research and I put effort in it as well. 

Did your peers think that you were challenging yourself?

One of my feedback forms stated that they do not think that I am challenging myself and that they think I feel very confident in what I am doing this term. I see where this comment is coming from and I must agree that most of this project work is not very challenging, I have been creating characters in Procreate for a while now and it is something I know exactly how to do. This term I wanted to focus more on the research element of my project, because last term I got feedback from my tutor that research is my weakest area. I still think challenging myself is a very important element, therefore I am planning on incorporating my tutor's idea to make little gifs out of those characters. I have not done a gif ever before, but I know how to make them. I think it is sort of a challenge and a new skill, so I believe it is good enough. 

Did they think you had a good research throughout?

My peers thought my research was very detailed and they really liked it. I got comments such us 'Daria included everything in her research so far.' or 'Deep comprehensive research about Purple colour'. I am very happy with those comments because as I said, I really wanted to improve my researching skills, I think this response from my peers show me that I succeeded well in this area. 

What other feedback did you get that you found useful?

I generally got a lot of positive feedback, I got some people noticing that there is still a lot to get done in my project and I am aware of that, therefore I really need to start the process of completing my designs, so they are ready before the deadline. 

Overall do you think you presented the work well?

I believe that I presented my work really well. Most of the feedback I have received was really positive and my peers liked my ideas and my designs, so I am very pleased with that. I think I explained my ideas well, so they all understood clearly what I was planning on doing. 



  1. Your verbal feedback (what there was of it!) was also good and you have a strong work ethic that may be worth noting in this post, but one thing that is important to remember throughout this course and in the future is to keep challenging yourself. In answer to the question about challenging yourself you stated that you thought what you are doing is good enough - it might be for this term, but what about in the future? You don't strike me as the kind of person that wants to stand still, so start thinking about what you would like to do next term and in your first year of Undergraduate. Which skills do you want to focus on between now and the summer that will give you a strong platform going into 3 more years of study?


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