Creating the final character - daughter

 The next character I decided to work on was the daughter. A strong personality, very confident in her actions. Very brave character who definitely has has their own vision of themselves and the world. An activist. Someone who has strong opinions. I have created a few initial sketches of the character, but I could not pick one sketch that I wanted to go with. I decided that there are more changes needed than just a few minor changes I can do while working on an already existing sketch. As I mentioned in my initial sketch post, I needed this character to look confident and I thought that some of my sketches lacked the confidence I needed. I did now want to base the character on myself because I do not see myself as a person I am trying to portray here and I think that ifI decided to base this character on myself, I would be limiting myself too much. 

There were two sketches my tutor and I liked the most and these are the sketches: 

I was thinking of combining features of both of these sketches and putting the character in a pose that would radiate that confidence. I took the make-up idea from the second sketch and the hair from the first sketch. It was important for me that the character still looks like a teen now and there are some particular trends that teenagers do that would help me incorporate that trendiness in the character. One of those things is shaving a line in their eyebrows, which was a trend mostly a few years ago. Another thing that was important to me was to color her front hair in a different color than the rest of the hair to create the kind of e-girl look that has been very famous lately. Here is a sketch I have created combining those two looks into one, and making my character look confident:

I think this is a very successful sketch and I am happy with it. I knew the color would play an important role, but I thought the sketch was really good. 

I started tracing the sketch in the app Procreate with the brush called Peppermint. During the tracing part I did not do any changes, because all the changes I needed to take, I have taken when creating the new sketch on paper. 
When outlining the character with a different brush, so cleaning up the lines, I noticed a tangent point, that I have not noticed before. 
On this screenshot above it is shown how I corrected a tangent point. There was a tangent point connecting the hair and I needed ti change that, so I simply made one part of the hair longer. This was an easy solution to the problem. 

This was the only mistake I noticed while creating an outline, so after fixing it, I got to creating a color palette. I wanted the color palette to be more in pastel colors since it is a teenager and teenagers like pastel colors a lot. I was looking at all many different combination fo colors and I wanted the combination to be a little similar to how I colored the mom because I wanted to create a link between those two. After a lot of experimenting I decided on this color palette: 

All the changes in the color palette that I have done during the process of creating will be visible in the video of my work process. I decided on this palette because I thought that it would suit the character best and there are colors I used for the mom so the link is made and that was a goal fo mine. 

Here is what I created:
When I thought I was done with the character, I noticed that I literally forgot to put a crown on her head and made this entire character and did not even notice. I had to add the crown as the last step in this case and here is my process video wit the adding crown element at the very end. 

The last step is naming the character and at first I thought about the word 'feminist', but it turned out that in most languages it sounds almost exactly the same. I was a little bit disappointed by that. I looked at different words connected to the topic and I was thinking of just the word woman but in a different language. I liked the French translation which was Femme, but it is pronounced 'Fam' which is not obvious from how it is spelled. I also looked at the Italian translation and I really liked it because the Italian translation is Donna, like the main character from Mamma Mia. I really like that because Donna from Mamma Mia was a character with a very strong personality, she did not need a man to raise a child or to carry a business and that is definitely the same energy I want this character to have. 

This is the final version of the daughter - Donna. 


  1. The lines around the eyes make her look older than I think you are intending - try a version without this.


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