Seminar Discussion

 Today in class we had a seminar discussion in a fishbowl method. Fishbowl method is based on putting half of the class in the spotlight first and the second half after. When the first group has its discussion, the other group listens and vice versa. 

This method made it possible to not only participate in the discussion itself but also to hear other people solve problems and present their ideas. I thought this was a very interesting experience. 

When the other group was presenting I got a chance to hear their ideas and see how other people are developing ideas. I think it is great to look at different ways of that, it really is eye-opening, because in my head everyone works and sees exactly what I do, which is obviously not true. I found it very interesting when the group was making suggestions about developing one other student's project. The girl's base idea was to create a set of posters based on the seven deadly sins, the class made a suggestion to make it more of a campaign to for example spread awareness on eating disorders, they created a purpose for the project and I thought it was a great development. 

Personally, I would have never thought about it, I would probably dig deeper into the religious aspect of that, however I think the idea that the group came up with was even more interesting and I liked the fact that it carries a purpose, it is somewhat informative and educational. I think it is important that everything has some sort of purpose, I do not think we should create things "just because". 

During my group's discussion, I got to actually be involved in the process of asking questions and making suggestions for others. I think generally most people had very solid, well-thought ideas. For most of us, talking through our projects and hearing others' opinions and suggestions is exactly what we needed to make the changes before our project sign off next week. 

I got some really interesting suggestions from others. I got suggested a cartoon called "The Rubbish World of Dave Spud" it is a cartoon for children about a family and I am definitely going to look into it to see why it is liked by children and what makes it appealing. 

Just by looking at a poster, I can tell that the characters are appealing and creating appealing characters is my main goal. I think it is good to look at a cartoon about a family to see the family dynamics that children may find relatable or funny. This is something very important that I need to incorporate in my cartoon concept. 
I definitely think that doing the seminar discussion helped me see whether my project idea is clear and makes sense. My fellow classmates did not have many questions, therefore I think i pitched the idea quite well and it made them understand what is my goal and how I am planning to achieve. I am quite happy with how the discussion went. I think I am ready for the project sign off next week. 


  1. Good post - but keep digging! One of the interesting things about the suggestions made to you in terms of research was to ground your characters in situations or with character elements that are recognisable or universal. For instance, Peter Griffin in Family Guy is someone a lot of people can recognise on a basic level - a fairly useless middle aged man, in a dead end job, not going anywhere, not achieving much, content to consume and eventually retire. He is relatable whether we like it or not. Therefore your characters need to have that relatability and not as you said exist 'just because'.


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