Final Project:Animation development part 6

 In this blog post I am going to show the process of creating scenes 14 and 15. Once again, two very enjoyable scenes to create. Those two scenes are showing the animal services car and the dog-catcher. 

Scene 14 is a scene where the car appears. 

The only movement I wanted to create in this scene is the car, and I wanted to capture speed with which the car was coming. I was not sure how to do it at first, but then I decided to approach it in a very cartoony way and after the turn make the car unbalanced not on all 4 wheels but in just two wheels. I think it creates a good visual and highlights the speed of the car. 

Here is one of the frames from this scene:

This particular scene shows the moment when the car loses its balance and I think this turned out very well. 

Scene 15 is the dog-catcher leaving his car. 

There are two main movements in this scene: the car door opening and the man jumping out of the car. I highly enjoyed drawing this scene, especially the moment of the man jumping out. I think it turned out very well. Car door opening was a simple scene to animate, therefore it was not an interesting process. 

Here is one of the frames for this scene:

I think, once again, I did a really good job trying to follow my storyboard and I believe this scene, when rendered also looks very appealing. I am very happy with what I have created. 

Here are the scenes glued together:

I think this works well and I am happy with what I have created. 


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