Final project: uploading my project to my website

 The last step of my final project is uploading it to my website and adding a short paragraph on it. This process was not difficult since I had everything on my website ready for my project to be uploaded. I just needed to think a little bit about my paragraph. 

I started this process by uploading the video to Wix and checking if everything works as it should. I had no problems uploading the video, however I noticed that the vector art was a little too low and that the video box was a little bit too small. I decided to make those changes. These were very minor changes but they help to display my project better. As always I went on the mobile version of my website to make sure everything works fine there as well. 

Next I started to write my paragraph. I wanted the paragraph to inform the audience of the idea behind my animation and what was the purpose of the video. I did not want to summarize the film, but very generally give the idea of what is portrayed there. I decided to put it all in 4 sentences, first sentence generally explaining what problem is the animation touching, second sentence explaining who is the main character of the animation, third sentence explaining what is the purpose of this animation and fourth sentence explaining the subtitle of my animation, I do not think explaining the title is necessary, because I think it is very straight forward. 

This is how the portfolio page is displayed on a desktop and I am very happy with how it looks. I think it is clear and shows my work very well. When I have more works to showcase, the page will be arranged differently: I think I am going to add another menu to pick a work to look at, however now, when I have just one work, I think this works fine. 

Of course I have also checked the mobile version and this is how it looks:

I think this looks very good and I am very happy with what I have written. I think this text is interesting and informative. 
Click here to access my website. 


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