Final project: animation development part 9

 In this post I will describe and reflect on the process of creating 3 simple scenes, scene 20, 21 and 22. Those three scenes show a short action of a dog closing its eyes and opening them in a different location.

Here are images of these scenes from my storyboard: 

Easy to realize, these scenes were not anything very difficult to create, especially scene 21 since it is just simply a black screen. For the scenes 20 and 22 I have drawn a background and then created the eyelid movement on a separate layer. I did that to copy the eyelid movement in the opposite order for the eye opening scene. It saved me a lot of time and created some sort of consistency within the drawings. 

I enjoyed the process and I think I executed my idea very well with the use of layers. It is always important to work smart and to avoid unnecessary work if possible. It saves a lot of time and energy. I think this is why it is important to understand the different tools and options of a software. Layers is something that every art software has, however getting used to using them, instead of drawing each  entire frame separately, is something more challenging. I am still experimenting and learning the software. I think overall I am doing a great job, especially knowing that this is my first time working in OpenToonz. 

Here is the animation with those 3 scenes added to it:

I think the animation is coming along really well and it is visible how much time and effort I have put in it so far. 


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