final project: animation development part 7

 In this blog post I will show and explain my work on two very similar scenes, which are scenes 16 and 17. Both of those scenes are extreme close-ups of faces. One of them is an extreme close up to the dog-catcher face and the other one is to the dog's face. 

Here are the storyboard images for those scenes. 

In scene 16 I wanted to show the anger, so the movement I decided on, was just a simple movement of the eyes and the brows. I wanted the dog-catcher's eyes to tilt a little bit and get closer to each other and I wanted his brows to get down and tilted. I think that expression can show whether someone is angry or not. 

I did not want to portray the dog as angry though, because the dog is a victim in this situation and it is more confused than anything else. This is why I decided for the dog's brows to go down and up not in an angry way. Here are single frames from these scenes:

I think these scenes turned out extremely good and I am very happy with what I have created. 

To finalize those scenes I have used layers a lot (they are called columns in OpenToonz), because I did not want the entire image to become messy, so the only element I was changing were the brows in the dog frame and the brows and the eyes in the human frame. To achieve that, I drew everything other than the elements I was moving, on one layer and all the moving elements, on a layer on top of that one. I think it worked very well.

Here are all the scenes connected together, from scene 1 to scene 17:

I am very happy with how it is turning out. I think this will be great when I finish all the scenes and add sound. 


  1. Very well done here - your website also looks great - be very proud of yourself for all the hard work this term - really fantastic job


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