Final project: animation development part 8

 Next scenes on my storyboard were scenes 18 and 19. Those two scenes are once again very similar to each other. Here are the images from the storyboard on these two scenes. 

For the scene 18 I wanted to place the dog on the right-hand side of the frame, referring to the rule of thirds and then place the dog grasper on the left of the image. I wanted to do a quick movement of the dog and the tool before the dog is captured. I thought it would be a good idea and that it would show that the dog is trying not to get caught. 
Creating those frames was not very difficult, because they were based only on sliding already existing characters and objects. I think this scene worked well, even though I would prefer it to be smoother. I think even though it is not the smoothest scene ever created, it still works quite good and it is clear what is happening in the scene. My main goal is always to make the action clear, even when the visuals possibly could be better. 

In the scene 19, again there was just a simple movement of a hand. I wanted to create the object more theatrical and clear what kind of object it was, therefore while drawing the tranquilizer, I have added white background to the wire. I am aware that this is not how the tool looks like in real life, however there is a rule in animation, that says to exaggerate everything to make everything clear and more interesting. 
To complete this action and not make the movement too messy, I have used the option to select a piece of a frame, copy it and paste it onto the next frame. As always I have also used onion skin to see what was my previous frame to make sure everything is working smoothly. 

Here are both scenes attached to the rest of my animation:

I am happy with how the animation is turning out and I have finally crossed the one minute mark. I have signed off an animation that would be between 1 and 3 minutes, so from now on I am in this time range, which is great, because that means I have this criteria out of the way. 


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