Final project: animation development part 10

In this blog post I am going to focus on scenes 23, 24 and 25 from my storyboard. These are my the last 3 scenes from my animation and when they are attached to the rest of my animation, I will just have to add music and sounds, write a paragraph about it on my website and place the video on my website in the portfolio section. I am very happy I am this close to finishing this project, since the deadline is approaching very soon.  

Here is my storyboard image for scene 23:

This is a long shot scene, where the dog is not quite visible. Once again, for this kind of scene, I decided to use layers (columns in OpenToonz). My first layer [the one on the very back] was the background itself, so the floor and the wall behind the dog. My second layer was the dog and the last layer was the cage. Thanks to using layers I did not have to draw only parts of the dog, because that would be difficult and I am sure I would make mistakes in setting the dog up and the proportions. For this scene I decided to make the dog nod his head a few times. I found the process very enjoyable and I am glad I got used to using layers because they make my work faster and better. 

This is a screenshot showing my use of layers. I first drew the dog and then on a separate layer I did the cage. The layers are displayed as columns in OpenToonz and are on the right-hand side of the screen. 

Next seen, was scene 24, and here is my storyboard image of the scene 24:

I decided to extend scene 24, because I noticed I had enough time to do so. I decided to put in one more scene in between scene 23 and 24. It is a scene where the dog wakes up from a nap on in the shelter. Where the dog does not have a blanket or a pillow. The dog wakes up and then approaches the front of a cage to notice that there is a child interested in them. I think it is a very heart-warming scene that I really enjoyed creating. I know that this is a little bit of a change in plans from my storyboard, however this scene was in my initial plan of creating this animation - I had it on my Post-it notes on my window. I was worried I would not have enough time to create it, therefore I deleted it not put it on my storyboard. When I realized I had enough time to add that sleeping scene to my animation, I decided to do so, because I think it adds a lot to the animation itself. I am really happy I could do that and that I managed to do it in time. 

The last scene (scene 25) is a very happy scene and here is my storyboard image for this scene: 

It is a scene where the dog is being hugged by a child who is holding a paper with the word "adpoted" on it. This scene represents a chance the dog got and the fact that in reality pit bulls are great with children and are not aggressive, like people think they are. I think this scene concludes this animation really nicely and it does give hope at the end. 
After the last scene I decided to add a comment from myself to just kind of end this animation nicely.

This is the text I added. To add a non-standard text in IMovie, I needed to create this text in KeyNote [keynote is a software for presentations. It works similarly to Powerpoint]. That slide in KeyNote, I needed to save as a PNG file with transparent background and then dropped them in IMovie on a black background.

This is the entire animation exported:
I think I did a great job overall. When I look back at it, I think I should add my name at the end, because normally at the end of a movie there is a name of the creator. I will add my name before placing the video on my website. I am also going to add some copyright free music and sounds. 
Overall I am very happy with what I have created. 


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