Final project: Animation development part 5

 In this blog post I am going to describe and reflect on the process of creating scenes 12 and 13 from my storyboard. Both of the scenes were actually fairly enjoyable to work on. 

Firstly, scene 12. With scene 12 I had an idea to once again (like in scene 7) shoot from above dog's head. I wanted the ears and the top of the head to be visible. Here I wanted to concentrate on the people in front of the dog rather than the dog. 

This is the image from the storyboard that I tried to recreate. I think if I drew it from a different angle, I would concentrate on the dog and on people equally and that was not my goal. 

Here is a frame from this scene that I drew. 

This scene does not look exactly look like the image I have on my storyboard, because I thought it through again and realized that if the people were more to the side then the dog would not be running towards them. This is why I decided to centralize this image. For the movement here I animated the arms and mouths of the people and also gave a slight movement to the dog's head. I wanted to show that the dog is running, but from a different perspective. I think this was a successful experiment and I portrayed what I wanted to portray. 
Scene 13 was specifically pleasant to animate. In scene 13 there is an extreme close-up to the phone. I wanted to make it clear that the person is calling 911 - an emergency phone number in the United States. 

This is one of the scenes appearing in my beat board as well, it is because this is truly an important scene and I wanted it to be seen and noticed. 
Here is one of the frames I drew: 

To make sure all the frames were drawn correctly I had to pick up my phone many times and observe how my hand is moving when trying to reach each of the buttons. I think this went very successful and with this scene I can also say I am very happy with how smooth it looks compared to other scenes. 

When the scenes were done and I was happy with them, I have rendered them in OpenToonz and imported them to IMovie where i connected them with all the other pieces. 
Here are those two scenes connected to a previous scene:
I am happy with how my work is starting to look like, I especially like the mobile phone scene. 


  1. Excellent work - really looking forward to the finished piece


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