website: customizing my website

 Today I decided to customize my website even more and make it more interesting to look at. I also wanted my website to show more of who I am and what I create. My progression route is animation and generally I would like to concentrate on character animation. I had some images of cartoon characters that I drew in the past that really portray the style of drawing characters, that I have developed so far. 

I wanted them to match my website without making everything look messy and unappealing, therefore I have changed all the characters' colors to monochromatic gray colors. 

I was able to change all the settings of my image in the photo studio option in Wix. Not only I have changed the colors, but also cut out the background. Cutting out the background was a very simple task; most of the work was already done by the tool, I just had to correct any mistakes, for example if the tool cut out too much or too little. 

In the situation showed above, I had to correct a few mistakes, because the background cut out tool cut out too much of my drawing. Luckily, fixing this kind of mistake is not difficult. 

My next step was placing the monochromatic drawings on my website. 

I decided to put the drawings in different places to make my website fresh and fun-looking. Those cartoon characters are very appealing, therefore I knew placing them in many places would showcase my progression route more and make the website happier in general. 

When I placed everything I wanted on my website, I notice there was a lot of blank space between different sections. To delete empty places I had to go to "Zoom Out and Reorder" tab and do that there. 

In that section, I just had to highlight all the space I wanted to erase and click "Delete space". This was an easy task and thanks to that, my website looks a lot better than it did previously. 

Next thing I decided to look at was the mobile version of my website and it turned out to be very bad. All my drawings were all over the place, luckily there is an option to just hide some of the images when on the mobile version, without deleting them completely from the desktop version. There were a few changes I had to make in my mobile version to make it look more appealing, for example change background in the hamburger menu. 

By default it was green and all the text would also be green when selected. I have changed the background to pink and made the text gray when selected. I think it made it look better for my website because my main colors are pink and gray. 

When this was done and I was happy with it, I decided to check if the navigation of the website worked well and it did not, therefore I made some necessary changes so the website would be easy to navigate and intuitive. 

This is how the website looks like after my today's changes:


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