Website: critically evaluating my website

 In this post I am going to critically evaluate my website to know what I need to improve and what is good. This is very important for me to do to make sure my website looks good and is easy to navigate. To evaluate it I am going to answer a few questions about the website I already have. 

What were your initial ideas for creating a website? 

I decided to go with a template called Brow Bar and wanted to make it look fresh and in the colors I like, so pink, black, white and gray. I wanted most of the information to be on the same page and then for my portfolio page I wanted to make an individual tab. 

Do you have a tagline on your website?

I not necessarily have a tagline, but I have created a button with my name that is displayed at all times on the top left corner and when clicked, it brings the viewer back to the home page. 

Which designers/artists websites did you look for inspiration?

I looked at websites by Stephanie Alexander and Dermot O'Connor. 

How many pages did you want to make on your website and why? Did that change as you progressed onto the research / designing stage?

At first I wanted to create four separate pages, however after looking at different websites and when I was designing it all, I noticed that less is more and that I do not need that many pages. Finally I have created 2 pages, one for home, about me and contact and the other just for my portfolio. 

What is the purpose of your website?

The purpose of my website is to showcase my portfolio and to present myself as an artist. 

Who are your potential website users?

My potential website users are people interested in animation or in my work or future employers. 

Why do you think it is important to have a digital portfolio website?

I think it is important, because it is accessible for everyone, unlike a printed copy / USB stick of a portfolio.

Which design elements / tools did you use?

I used vector art to make my pages more interesting, I think it adds a lot to the way a website looks. I used the horizontal menu, because I have noticed I find websites with horizontal menus easier to navigate. I have used 3 main colors for the background: white, pink and gray. 

Which template did you use in Wix and why?

I used the Brow Bar template because I found it very appealing and easy to navigate. I wanted my website to look the similar way, it is why I chose that template. 

Does your website have working social media icon links?


Are your pages connected / interlinked?


Is it easy to navigate?

I believe the website is very easy to navigate. 


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