Final Project: animation development part 2

 This week I have worked really hard on continuing developing my animation. Creating a traditional animation is a very time-consuming project. I am aware that this week we were supposed to be finalizing our final projects, I have discussed it with my tutor and we agreed that it may not be finalized this week since I am doing an animation, there is still some time before the deadline and I will have to work very hard to have it done on time. I feel like it is possible and that I am capable of doing that.

This week I have been created scenes 4, 5, 6 and 7 from my storyboard. I am going to create scenes 8 and 9 later today and hopefully scenes 10 and 11 tomorrow. My plan is to create 2 scenes daily and if I do that, I should finish before the deadline. 

Animating 2 scenes daily is a lot and that causes me to sometimes simplify the scenes or make them shorter than I would normally do. 

A thing I always try to do is after rendering a scene, I immediately add the piece to the main project in IMovie. It is very important to me because it will save me a lot of time at the end. After placing a single scene in IMovie I always export the file as a video file in case my progress would not save. With already having a video file, I can always load it back on IMovie. This is a method for me to make sure nothing will disappear. 

Here are a few frames from scenes 4, 5, 6 and 7, for drawing those frames I used the brush tool and for coloring I used the bucket, because it saves time to fill in with color rather then color it by hand. 

In scene four, I have used the rule of thirds. I have mentioned this rule in my advertisement research, to access that blog post, click here.  I used that rule to bring all the attention to the character. I think it worked well and I think I also succeeded in drawing the character. Of course this scene is not as smooth as I would like it to be, however I have to keep in mine how much time I have. 

In scene five, I have also decided to use the rule of thirds and as stated in my storyboard, I have created a medium shot. 
In scene six, I finally added the dog to the story, this is when it appears for the first time. 

In scene seven, the camera changes its location. I added this scene to highlight the importance of the human, and how the dog looks up to them. 

I have connected all those scenes in IMovie, and here is, what I have created so far. 

I am happy with what I am creating. I think it will look better when I added sound, but adding any music to the background is definitely the lest step of this creating process.


  1. Love your character and the dog is great - this makes me smile and I think if it makes you smile then it has to working! Very very good work. The writing is also clearer now in yellow


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