website: creating my bio

 During today's class we concentrated on creating a bio for an "about me" page on our websites. 

Before I write my bio I need to answer 4 main questions. I tend to write long, run-on sentences, and that is definitely not something to do in my bio. I need to make things short and clear, therefore it is easy to understand. 

The first question is: Who are you? 

I am a 19 year old artist from Poland, currently studying Art & Design in Leicester, England. 

How did I get to be who I am?

Most of my life, I lived in a city in Poland, however I have also lived in a rural area in the United States. That is where I found more time and inspiration to work on my art. Time spent surrounded by sunflowers and wheat fields was a life-changing experience for me. 

What am I doing now?

Now I am working on developing my art skills at De Montfort University International College. 

What is your future?

In the next year I am going to study animation at university and develop my abilities even more. I am planning on becoming a great animator and making movies and cartoons that will touch people's hearts. 

After planning my bio out, I changed all the form to the third person singular, therefore instead of using "I" or "my" I would use "she" or "her". Then I pasted my bio into the "about me" tab on my wix website. 

I used the Raleway font, size 14. I think this font is very clear and looks fresh and modern. 

Next thing I did was to justify the text. I really do not like when the text is in the center align or the left align. I think everything looks more professional when the text is justified. 

After finishing this part, I have put a picture of myself next to the text. I decided to pick a picture in color, because here the background is very calm. 

I decided to use this picture, because not only it is professionally taken, but also looks vibrant and positive. 

Generally, I am very pleased with the outcome, I am aware I still have a lot to work on with customizing my website, but I think this is a good start. 


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