Final project: Ideas generation

I think an interesting concept is life of a stray dog. I love dogs and all my favorite movies have dogs in them. Movies such as "Dog's way home", "Dog's purpose" and "Me & Marley" gave me a lot of empathy for animals. 

I have seen many short videos about stray dogs or rescued dogs that have touched me and my biggest aspiration in creating my own art is to touch other people, to make them rethink their actions and improve. I think animal cruelty is a big problem and the discrimination of some particular dog breeds  should also be illegal. I think the movie "Dog's way home" shows the problem of discrimination the breeds that are assumed to be dangerous. I think an important issue is also the fact that people still choose to buy dogs rather than adopt, so bringing up a problem to adopt not buy is also important. 

There are two directions I could go into. 
  • Information 
  • Emotion
I can either concentrate on informative aspect of the problems or try to bring people's attention by triggering emotion. I believe that triggering emotion is more difficult than just sharing information.  

This is a poster for a movie called "Dog's way home", which is a big inspiration of mine, because it triggers a lot of emotions and feelings and also provides information. 

The top of the list of the most discriminated dog breeds are Pit Bulls, because they are often seen as dangerous. The reason for that is the fact that they used to be bred to be fighting dogs. "Remember that fighting dogs are and were trained to fight to the death, so fighting was a necessity for these animals just to stay alive, not a path they chose." (Rubin) There are also many different dogs whose breeds are discriminated, the results of that are very hurtful for many dog owners or the dog themselves. 

Discriminating dogs of particular breeds is one issue, that surely needs to be spoken more about, however there is not much research on it, therefore this might be a very tricky concept to get into. 

In my opinion a concept of an idea, which would be really interesting to try to address is the importance of adopting animals. I would not refer to it as "adopt, don't shop, because that phrase is bullying the pure breed dogs, and I have no intention of offending any dog owner or the dog itself. 

The idea I am visualizing in my head right now is bringing awareness to both, dog breed discrimination and showing the importance of adopting pets from shelter. I believe these two themes are strictly connected and I can show both in one work. 

My project is supposed to be connected to my progression route, which is animation, therefore I think it would be a great idea to create an animated story showing the problem I mentioned above. At first, I was thinking about creating a 3D animation, however I am aware that I may not be able to finalize this kind of a big project before the deadline. I think I will concentrate on a 2D animation, to make the project achievable and realistic for myself. 

I will have to do a lot of research, explore OpenToonz as a program, create a story and a storyboard and make the animation. 

Works Cited
Rubin Julia Lynn, 
"The SHOCKING History Of Dog Breed Discrimination…It’s NOT Just Pit Bulls That Are Targeted!"
Little Things, 
Date published: 6 Oct 2020 
Date accessed: 20 Oct 2020


  1. Good explanation of ideas here and an animation to highlight the issues could work well - consider what software you would use and how you would do this prior to the sign off and make sure you know what you will be researching (which animators and other examples of animation to highlight issues.)


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