Advertising: Editing

Firstly what I had to do was take a picture of a hand sanitizer. I used my IPhone 8 and took this picture with a flash, to make the white more visible and make it more vibrant - less gray. 

After taking the picture I needed to edit, both the background and my hand, out. 

I started my editing process with a problem at the very beginning. I do not know why, I could not log onto my adobe account on my IPad, therefore I was left with just my computer. I placed my hand sanitizer picture in Photoshop and started cutting out the background with the usage of the quick select tool. The problem I encountered was, that the finish of my erasing the background was not smooth. This was a result of me not owning a graphic tablet or a mouse. 

After having the picture above as my result, I knew I had to do something to make the finish look more professional, I decided to save this as a png file and airdrop it to my IPad. I used the Procreate app to erase the uneven edges and add the background color. 

 When I added background color, my eraser work was visible, therefore I filled the white color with my background color again. 

This effect was very satisfying to me. I knew exactly what background color to use to contrast perfectly with my creature color, thanks to this color circle. 

This was a very helpful tool, because I would not be able to pick contrasting colors, that well, by hand. 
After finishing that, I Airdropped this image back to my computer and started positioning my monster and the text bubble. 

I did this in Photoshop by simply combining two images into one. It is done by making both separate images visible and dragging one onto another. Using the same technique, I added the speech bubble: 

For my final step I wanted to add text saying. "Ottawa International Animation Festival" and put it in the top left corner. I decided to use a sans-serif font, because I believe that sans-serif fonts look more modern. I chose Gill Sans font, because in my opinion it looks modernistic and simplistic. I did not want the text to take the attention away from the illustration. 

For the font color, I used the pipette tool and used the same yellow I used for coloring the monster. I think by doing that, the image is more balanced. 

I am going to add a separate post with the finished product and my reflection on it. 


  1. Good process here and screenshots - very well done

  2. I was wondering what you used for sanitation bottle. Now everything is clear. I like screenshots and that you creat separate blog posts for every step.


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